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  1. Fun fact: Did you know that AirBnb charges you tax *again* if you rebook a cheaper room? And doesn’t offer to refund the extra money?
    1. …in reply to @SamTheGeek
      If your host cancels on you last minute, and you scramble to book a cheaper room they not only charge you taxes again…
      1. …in reply to @SamTheGeek
        …but they don’t refund you the difference between your original booking and the new one.
        1. …in reply to @SamTheGeek
          And worse, their credit offered is so pitifully small it basically doesn’t make a difference ($15/night)
          1. …in reply to @SamTheGeek
            So here’s the problem: AirBnb is now refunding me the tax they just charged me again for some reason. This is all very confusing.
            1. …in reply to @SamTheGeek
              I’m out $0, but 2 hours of my time and lots of stress. This would have been much easier if they had an automatic rebooking system.
              1. …in reply to @SamTheGeek
                Just click “rebook me” and it’ll automatically try to get you a new room at no cost in the same ‘hood. That isn’t hard to make.